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Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure performed to correct aesthetic and health problems around the eyes. This procedure is used to eliminate sagging of the upper eyelid, reduce bags under the eyelid, and generally create a more youthful and dynamic appearance. The eyes are one of the most important features of the face, and the aesthetics of the eyelids have a positive effect on the overall appearance of a person, allowing them to have a younger, fresher, and more vibrant expression.

Purpose of Eyelid Aesthetics

The basic principles of eyelid aesthetics are to achieve natural and balanced results and to protect the patient’s eye health. Eyelid aesthetics can be performed with two different methods: upper eyelid aesthetics and lower eyelid aesthetics. Thanks to his experience and expertise in aesthetic surgery, Dr. Burak Dikmen ensures that his patients have a safe surgical experience.

What are the Types of Eyelid Aesthetics?

1. Upper Eyelid Aesthetics

Upper eyelid aesthetics focuses on correcting a sagging or loose upper eyelid. This procedure is generally preferred for cases of excess skin, low guideline and limited visual field that occur during the aging process. Aesthetic surgeons first remove excess skin and fat tissue by making an incision, and then start the healing process by suturing. Upper eyelid aesthetics is popular with individuals who want to achieve a younger and more vibrant appearance.

2. Lower Eyelid Aesthetics

Lower eyelid aesthetics is a procedure applied to correct problems such as eye bags, dark circles, and under-eye drooping. This procedure makes the eyes look younger, fresher, and more rested. Plastic surgeons usually make an internal or external incision for lower eyelid aesthetics and then remove or reposition excess fat tissue. In addition, non-invasive techniques such as laser or radiofrequency can be used to tighten and rejuvenate the skin. Doctor Burak Dikmen, as a surgeon specializing in lower eyelid aesthetics, adopts a customized approach to achieve the best results suitable for the person’s facial features and special needs.

3. Other Methods for Eyelid Correction

Other methods for eyelid correction offer alternative solutions for the treatment of aesthetic problems in the upper and lower eyelids. These methods include botox injections, fillers, and laser skin resurfacing procedures.

  • Botox injections are a treatment option that temporarily relaxes the muscles around the eyes to reduce wrinkles and make the eyelids appear tighter.
  • Fillers are used to correct under-eye holes and to make the skin look young and plump.
  • Laser skin resurfacing procedures, on the other hand, are an effective option for tightening the skin, reducing dark circles, and correcting the skin tone.

Who Can Have Eyelid Aesthetics?

Eyelid Sagging Problems

Eyelid sagging is an aesthetic problem that occurs during the aging process. Sagging eyelids can create a tired and old appearance. Aesthetic surgeons offer a variety of procedures to correct droopy eyelids. Eyelid drooping can negatively affect the facial expression of a person and be perceived as an aesthetic discomfort. Many patients should speak with a reputable plastic surgeon to assess their treatment options in order to resolve this issue.

Eye Bags and Dark Circles

Eye bags and dark circles are aesthetic problems that are usually caused by insomnia, stress, or genetic factors. Bags and dark circles around the eyes can create a tired look and make a person look older than they really are. Aesthetic surgery can be an effective option for reducing eye bags and removing dark circles. Doctor Burak Dikmen, as an aesthetic surgeon specializing in the removal of eye bags and dark circles, offers treatments tailored to his patients’ individual needs.

Vision Problems

Especially upper eyelid drooping can affect daily activities by restricting the field of vision. This can negatively affect a person’s eyesight and reduce their quality of life.

Eyestrain and Headache Problems

Eye strain and headaches can result from prolonged exposure to a computer screen or other eye-straining activities. The heaviness and fatigue of the eyelids can exacerbate this condition. Eyelid aesthetics can offer an effective solution to relieve eye strain and reduce headaches.

First Meeting Before Eyelid Aesthetics

The initial consultation and evaluation process for eyelid aesthetics is important to understand the patient’s expectations and determine appropriate treatment options. Doctor Burak Dikmen listens to the concerns of his patients and gives detailed information about the treatment process. He performs a comprehensive assessment to understand the individual needs of each patient and offer the most appropriate treatment options.

What are the Steps of Blepharoplasty?

Removal of Skin or Fat Tissue

The first step in the Blepharoplasty procedure is the cut and, if necessary, the removal of excess skin or adipose tissue. This step is performed with the cuts carefully determined by the surgeon, so that the desired aesthetic result is obtained. During the procedure, expert surgeons work with precision to provide a natural and symmetrical appearance.

Dr. Burak Dikmen takes a meticulous approach during the cutting and removal of tissues and focuses carefully on the individual needs of each patient.

Stitching and Wound Healing

After the cut and tissue removal process is completed, the process of closure with stitches and wound healing begins. Expert surgeons close wounds using fine and aesthetically pleasing suture techniques. These sutures are placed in a way that leaves minimal scars during the healing process and helps the patient achieve a natural appearance. Doctor Burak Dikmen uses modern and advanced sewing techniques and follows the individual healing process of each patient.

Healing Process After Blepharoplasty

The healing process after blepharoplasty may also differ from patient to patient. Usually, slight swelling and bruising may occur for the first few days, but these will subside over time. Full recovery may take a few weeks to several months. Doctor Burak Dikmen provides accurate follow-up and support by observing the individual recovery rate of each patient.

Frequently Asked Questions About Blepharoplasty

Eyelid aesthetics are generally suitable for adults aged 30 and over. However, as each individual’s situation is different, it is important to consult with a plastic surgeon for the best results.

Eyelid aesthetics is generally considered a cosmetic procedure and is not covered by insurance companies. However, in some exceptional cases, it may be covered by insurance in cases affecting eye health.

The results obtained after eyelid aesthetics are usually long-lasting. However, as the aging process continues, the effects may decrease over time.

The Blepharoplasty procedure is usually performed using thinned sutures, and care is taken to minimize scars. Scars are usually placed in natural creases or on the eyelid margins, so they become less noticeable. Over time, the scars fade and heal.

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