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Double chin liposuction is an effective aesthetic method that is used by those who wish to say goodbye to stubborn fat deposits in the face and neck area and who wish to have a tighter look. This procedure, which reveals the signs of youth and vitality on the face through the accentuation of the jaw line, is an option that is gaining popularity today. At this point, you will come across the name of Dr. Burak Dikmen, one of the leading names in his field, and his unique team.

Who Can Be Applied to Double Chin Liposuction?

Double Chin Liposuction can be applied to people who are generally uncomfortable with fat accumulation in the jowl area and want a more defined jaw line. Suitable for both women and men, this procedure can often help those who find it difficult to lose their jowl fat despite weight loss efforts. The best candidates for Double Chin Liposuction are individuals who are in good general health and whose body mass index (BMI) is within normal limits. As an experienced plastic surgeon, Dr. Burak Dikmen has adopted double chin liposuction as his area of expertise and has performed many successful operations.

Benefits of Double Chin Liposuction

Double-chin liposuction is an effective method preferred by many people for improving their aesthetic appearance. Here are the benefits of Double Chin Liposuction:

  • Helps you achieve a more prominent jaw line by reducing sagging in the chin and neck area caused by excess fat accumulation.
  • Reduces the signs of aging and makes your face look firmer and younger.
  • Makes feel better, and their self-confidence increases.
  • Permanent Results. Since the fat cells are removed, they are not expected to accumulate again.
  • Minimally invasive procedure. The recovery process is usually fast, allowing people to return to their daily lives in a shorter time.

Pre-Double Chin Liposuction Operation Process

Doctor Selection and Consultation

Choosing the right doctor and consultation process is extremely important for anyone considering a Double Chin Liposuction operation. People who want to get rid of fat deposits in the jowl area should consult an experienced and expert plastic surgeon. When choosing a doctor, it is important to pay attention to their areas of expertise, experience, and references.

The consultation process involves a consultation meeting where the patient shares his expectations and needs with the doctor. In this process, the doctor evaluates the patient’s health history and his suitability for the operation. Doctor Burak Dikmen is a respected and specialized doctor in plastic surgery, so it is important to consult him before the operation.

Candidate Evaluation of the Patient

The patient’s candidacy assessment is an important step in double chin liposuction. The physician will assess the structure of the cheek, fat deposits, and skin elasticity. In addition, the general health status of the patient, past surgical interventions, and drug use are also taken into account. This assessment ensures that the operation is performed safely and effectively. As an experienced plastic surgeon, Dr. Burak Dikmen meticulously evaluates the candidacy of his patients.

Double Chin Liposuction Operation Process

Anesthesia Process

Anesthesia and the operation process are the stages where Double Chin Liposuction takes place. Before the operation, an appropriate anesthesia method is selected and the patient is comfortable. Dr. Burak Dikmen will provide you with the most suitable anesthesia options before the surgery.

Double Chin Liposuction Operation

The Double Chin Liposuction operation is usually performed under local anesthesia. The anesthesia team administers the necessary medications to ensure that the patient is comfortable and does not feel pain. The operation process begins with the surgeon marking the area to be examined. Next, the surgeon makes small incisions in the jowl area and uses a special vacuum device, a cannula, to dissolve and suction the fat cells. Doctor Burak Dikmen’s expertise and sensitivity ensure that this process is carried out successfully.

Double-chin liposuction techniques

Double Chin Liposuction is an effective solution to reduce excess fat accumulation in the jowl area and achieve a tighter appearance. The techniques and methods used in this procedure may vary according to the needs and preferences of the patients. Here are some commonly used techniques for Double Chin Liposuction:

1. Traditional Liposuction

In this method, small incisions are made, a thin cannula is inserted into the jowl area, and the fat cells are sucked out. In this way, excess fat in the jowl area is reduced, and a tighter jaw line is obtained.

2. Ultrasonic Liposuction

In this technique, fat cells are more easily broken down and absorbed by using ultrasonic energy. In this way, more precise shaping is provided, and skin tightening is encouraged.

3. Laser Liposuction

Fat cells are melted and absorbed using laser energy. In this method, laser light penetrates the lower layers of the skin and promotes skin tightening.

4. VASER Liposuction

VASER (Vibration Assisted Liposuction) technology selectively targets fat cells while causing minimal damage to surrounding tissues. This method provides more controlled and precise shaping.

5. Radiofrequency Liposuction

In this method, fat cells are heated and absorbed using radiofrequency energy. At the same time, radiofrequency energy supports the tightening of the skin.

As a plastic surgeon specializing in double-chin liposuction, Dr. Burak Dikmen identifies the most appropriate technique and method for his patients and offers a personalized approach.

Post-Double Chin Liposuction Process

Healing Process and Considerations

It is important for patients to follow the correct healing process after the Double Chin Liposuction operation. The healing process can vary from person to person, but rest is usually recommended for the first few days. The wound area should be kept clean and dry, and the doctor’s instructions should be followed. It is also important to use the recommended medications regularly and to apply cold compresses to reduce edema and swelling. Doctor Burak Dikmen pays attention to ensuring a correct healing process by regularly checking the patients during the recovery process.

Possible Side Effects such as Edema, Bruising and Discomfort

After the Double Chin Liposuction operation, some patients may experience edema, bruising, and mild discomfort. Edema may increase during the first few days after the operation but will decrease over time. The bruises also pass in a short time. Also, some patients may experience a slight discomfort, stretching, or tingling sensation. These side effects are usually temporary and decrease as the healing process progresses. Doctor Burak Dikmen informs patients about these side effects and recommends treatment methods when necessary.

Frequently Asked Questions About Double Chin Liposuction

The incisions made during the operation are usually small, and the scars fade over time during the healing process. It is important to follow your doctor’s recommended care guidelines to minimize the appearance of scars.

The cost of Double Chin Liposuction depends on many factors, including the experience of the doctor, the operating room costs, and pricing that may vary by region. It is important to have a consultation to get clearer information about the cost of the operation.

The results obtained with Double Chin Liposuction can be permanent. However, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, paying attention to weight control, and exercising regularly will support long-term results.

Generally, there is no age limit for Double Chin Liposuction. However, a situational assessment should be made for each patient, and your doctor’s recommendations should be followed.

Double Chin Liposuction is usually performed under local anesthesia, and there is no pain during the operation. There may be a slight feeling of discomfort after the operation, but this is usually manageable and will subside over time.

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